Your Stories Matter.
Be Heard!

The Shanghai Literary Review accepts submissions for web and print.

The Shanghai Literary Review accepts submissions for TSLR Online on a rolling basis throughout the year. Twice each year, we open our submission period for our print magazine.

We are interested in art and criticism about urbanism, globalism, identity, and transnationalism, though by no means should submissions be limited to those topics. We'll publish a good story about cats in Africa if it floors us. And then there’s Shanghai.

Selected works will be published in print or online. We strongly urge submitters to check out our TSLR Online section or view back issues to familiarize yourself with the magazine.

Submission Categories

  • Around 5,000 words

  • Up to 5 poems per person (max)

  • Around 5,000 words

  • 1,000 words or fewer

  • Photography, video, photo essay, collage, painting, sketch, etc.

  • Translation into English of any poetry, essay or short fiction from any language, along with the original text

  • Book reviews generally run 1,000 words, while both long- and short-form interviews are considered.

Please note: The open submission period for the next print issue (TSLR 9, Spring/Summer 2025) has now closed.

General submissions will reopen in April.

(Updated: March 2025)

Submission Guidelines

We only publish previously unpublished work.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please update us promptly if your submission has been accepted elsewhere. 

All contributors to the print magazine will receive a complimentary hard copy.

  • Translators, please provide documentation of authorization to translate and publish from the writer whom you are translating.

  • If you have already contributed to a print issue of TSLR, we ask that you please wait to send in your next submission after 2 further issues have been published. We ask this only because our genre sections are small, our magazine’s periodicity infrequent, and we must be vigilant about showcasing new work as well as ensuring that we stay as objective as possible in our selection process. 

  • We are an English-language magazine, and all original work submissions should be in English. However, under certain circumstances, we will consider work written in or translated into Chinese. (我们是一本英文杂志,所有提交的原创作品应该是英文的。在某些情况下,我们接受用中文写作或翻译成中文的作品。)