Hawaiians, Haoles and Everyone In Between

By Darien Hsu Gee

a Matsuo Boshu Haiku, modified

In the twilight rain

Aus died at Pohai Malama. Barry died in Ocean View. Bernadette died in Kailua Kona. CJ died at home. Clara died in Paauilo. Delbert died in Hilo.

these brilliant-hued hibiscus

Dino was a retired self-employed papaya farmer. Earl was a general laborer and fisherman. Estrelia was a housewife. Haroleen was a former bus driver. Hazel was a retired credit card collector. Irene was a waitress. Ivan was a retired manufacturing engineer. Iz was a retired FedEx courier. Jim was a retired land surveyor.

a lovely sunset

Kuniko was 95. Le Vaughn was 70. Mabel was 88. Sarah was 21. Skip was 77. Todd was 46. William was 73. Yong was 68, survived by her husband.

Born in the United States, Darien Hsu Gee grew up in Hong Kong and worked in Beijing from 1993-1996. Her work has been published in fourteen countries and she is the author of an award-winning craft book on writing memoir. She currently lives in Hawaii with her family.




Home of Lost Souls