
By Xu Xiaobin
Translated by Nicky Harman

On a few windless days in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, Beijing is fleetingly beautiful. The sun dazzles right overhead and emerald green foliage burgeons luxuriantly on the trees. But in this city, trees are only clothed in their natural color for a short time, after which every type of particulate matter and dust paints them a uniform grey.

             It is on just such a day that Pompom walks through Hezi’s door. She is still a tiny puppy, barely weaned, pure white in colour, with eyes that alternate between emerald and aquamarine. She lurches round Hezi and her son, Huanhuan, on ungainly puppyish legs until Hezi, who has no idea what to feed her, cuts up a tiny bit of prawn. Pompom’s translucent pink tongue licks the pink meat, then gobbles it up. Huanhuan offers watermelon, and Pompom eats that too, then boldly gets on her hind legs, puts her front paws on Huanhuan’s knee and begs for more.

             Hezi has always been afraid of dogs. And not just dogs, but all small creatures. She finds their unsmiling stares rather sinister. It is the opposite with Huanhuan. An only child with few friends, he adores dogs and cats. One day on the way to the supermarket, he becomes instantly smitten with a street merchant’s dog and stops, refusing to budge. When his mother drags him away, he keeps looking back. Finally, he sets up a despairing wail and scalding hot tears drip down his face, wetting his mother’s hand. Hezi has been divorced for some time; mother and son only have each other. Faced with Huanhuan’s distress, Hezi eventually gives in. From a starting price of 600 yuan, she beats the stallholder down  and the puppy is theirs for 220 yuan.

              The puppy needs a name. Huanhuan wants something grandiose, like Napoleon or Caesar, while his mother prefers something more ordinary. They argue back and forth without agreement until one or other of them, or perhaps both simultaneously, catch sight of the little dog’s tail, like a pompom chrysanthemum in bloom, and in the same breath, they shout “Pompom!” It is an unusual and a pretty name, which Pompom learns in no time at all. When Huanhuan calls her, she gets up, and the boy sweeps her up into his arms and onto the bed. Then Pompom rolls round and round like a little bundle of fluff. She has another trick too: she sneaks up on tiptoes, stops when she is near enough, then launches herself at him, pressing her head against his face and licking him from his forehead right down to his chin. The scene plays itself out again and again, with Huanhuan lavishing all sorts of nicknames on the dog: “Good Girl, Chubby Baby, Cutie-Pie, my little Michael Jackson.” Hezi has never known her son so smitten and, as she does the washing-up and listens to their play, it seems to her that the house feels livelier than it ever has, and the habitual melancholy of her expression softens into a smile.

             Hezi has a long face, rather like a Manchu. She was very pretty in her youth, but with age her expression has become somber. Still, every now and then, if a smile should happen to cross her features, her face lights up and she looks like a different person. A middle school teacher, Hezi is in her early thirties and, since her divorce, has made sure to live a decent life and repress her emotions. Her son is her whole world, and when he is happy, it brightens her day. She may not like dogs, but for his sake she puts up with Pompom.

             It is getting late and time to find somewhere for Pompom to sleep. Hezi gets out an old cardboard box, lines it with some cotton wadding and puts it out on the balcony. She is fussy about cleanliness. Soon after Pompom arrives, she sees that the dog has some crud in its eyes and suggests to Huanhuan that it needs a bath. Pompom is very docile and doesn’t struggle at all. When it is washed, they wrap it in a towel and dry it with the blow dryer till its coat is all fluffy again. Then Pompom suddenly starts shivering uncontrollably, froths at the mouth, and has an attack of diarrhea. Huanhuan bursts into torrents of tears and points an accusing finger at his mother. “It’s all your fault!” he yells. “You hurt her!” Finally, he shuts himself in the bathroom and carries on choking with sobs. “Pompom is going to die! My Pompom is going to die!”

             Hezi forces herself to be calm but inwardly she is terrified. Then she looks at this bundle of fluff that is shrinking away by the minute and pulls herself together. It is time for desperate measures. She’ll try what worked when Huanhuan was ill as a baby. She gets some antibiotics and cold remedy pills, grinds up two of each, and mixes them up together. Gripping the puppy firmly, she spoons the mixture into its mouth. Pompom gives a squeal like a child and struggles so hard that only half goes in. By this time, Hezi is sweating profusely. She wraps the puppy in an old quilt of Huanhuan’s and tucks her into the cardbox box on the balcony. When she goes in to see her son, he has gone to sleep.

             Hezi, however, lies wide awake. Damn it! she thinks. Whoever would imagine that such a tiny thing could be such a worry. As the night wears on, the wind gets up and the curtains flap and cast fretwork shadows on the wall opposite the bed. Hezi stares, watching the shadows change shape, and she quails inwardly as if she has committed some terrible misdeed. Finally, out of the darkness, she hears a shrill cry. Could it really be the dog? She goes outside and in the darkness makes out a bundle of white fur and a pair of bright eyes looking quietly at her. “Pompom?” she says. The little bundle gets to its feet, and clutches her leg with its paws. She is suddenly overwhelmed with sadness. Such a tiny, vulnerable creature, with no one in this world except herself and her son to look after it. She picks it up in her arms, feeling its warm soft fur, and it presses its face hard to hers. Mum! I’m better! Pompom seems to be saying. And she’d thought that dogs could only bark.

             Quietly, she puts it down and creeps away.

             From then on, it is as if she has a daughter. First thing in the morning, Pompom sneaks into her room, jumps on her bed and licks her awake. This is the signal that it is time for their morning walk. Hezi: “Out?” The dog cocks her head. Hezi, teasingly: “Where’s your leash?” The dog gives a little jump, and cocks her head the other way. Hezi can’t repress a chuckle. Pompom knows that the leash means a walk. Hezi has spent seventy yuan at the pet shop on a dog leash; all their stuff is very expensive. They clearly have a wealthy clientele and everything is priced accordingly. Hezi’s salary is enough for her and her son to get by well enough, but a dog on top of that? Every city dog needs a permit, which costs five thousand yuan. And then there are the rules and regulations. Dog-walking is permitted only before 7 am and after 8 pm, which means walking in the pitch darkness in winter. Hezi can’t afford the permit yet. But on their walks, she discovers that almost none of the owners have bought their dogs permits and gradually her fears quieten.

             The pollution in Beijing gets steadily worse. The city is one big building site with all the attendant noise and traffic jams and less and less residential space. Every corner now sprouts traffic lights, but they do nothing to control the streams of cars and pedestrians. Hezi’s complex used to have a patch of grass in front of it. Half of this is now occupied by a construction site, and soon they’ll be chopping down the canopy of trees to erect workmen’s huts. Dust from the reinforced concrete fills the air and mixes with exhaust fumes. Even the grass turns grey. Hezi is hard pressed to find somewhere to take Pompom for her walk. Her pretty white fur turns grey, with streaks of black showing through. Only her tongue remains the same vivid pink as before.

             It is hard to avoid making comparisons between the local dogs. There is Lili, a bitch belonging to a family whose house has been demolished, not nearly as attractive as Pompom. Then there is Qiuqiu, Maomao and Tiaotiao in the building behind them, all of them mongrel Pekingese-type mutts, nothing out of the ordinary. Carl, on the twelfth floor, is an attractive dog, with the same pure white fur as Pompom. He’s a pedigree shih tzu, an aristocrat among small dogs, but is getting on in years. Otherwise he would make a good mate for Pompom. Hezi has been looking for a suitable match for some time and isn’t quite sure what she feels about her lack of success: perhaps disappointment mixed with pride, and a delicious feeling that it will just be the three of them. Huanhuan has no such worries; he buys popsicles when he takes Pompom out, attracting all the neighborhood dogs around them. They soon get to know the dog owners too. The only one who annoys Hezi is Carl’s owner. He is a manager of a local restaurant, a man of means. His dog is a cut above the others, and he is inordinately proud of him. Every time the dog raises his head, the owner pours a little from the mineral water bottle he carries with him into his cupped palm and holds it out for Carl to drink. He even sprays Carl with it in hot weather to cool him down. He may think this is the way the upper class behave, but in Hezi’s view he is simply being pretentious.

             One night in the middle of summer, Hezi, showers and puts on a flowery polyester sleeveless top and loose trousers to take Pompom for a walk. She has left it till late deliberately so as to avoid other people but as luck would have it she bumps right into Carl’s owner. Intent on giving them a wide berth, Hezi tugs on the leash, but Carl and Pompom have other ideas. They are instantly fascinated by each other and begin rubbing noses and nipping playfully. There is no pulling them away. Carl’s owner glances sidelong at Pompom. “Not bad, your dog,” he concedes. “What’s its name?” As though this is the first time he has seen her.

             Hezi feels a flash of anger. “Well, of course, a great man like you would hardly remember the time when Carl begged a popsicle off our Huanhuan.”

             “Oh, oh, yes of course,” says Carl’s owner. “It’s Pompom, isn’t it? And what breed is it? It doesn’t look Pekingese.”

             “Of course she’s not Pekingese,” said Hezi, chin in air. “She’s a German Pomeranian, a rare breed.” In fact, Hezi has no idea whether Pompom is a Pomeranian, but she is quite sure she wants to bring Carl’s owner down a peg or two.

             The man is astonished. “Really? A German Pomeranian?! Here, Pompom, do a little trot for me!” Pompom trots obligingly. She looks like a cloud come alive, seeming to fly. Carl can’t catch up with her no matter how hard he tries. His owner’s eyes sparkle. “She really is a Pomeranian. Good heavens, Pomeranians make wonderful pets. When she’s grown, she’ll be able to do all sorts of stuff around the house for you!”

             “Really!” responds Hezi with a show of indifference.

             The man talks on and on, showing off his knowledge of dogs. “German Pomeranians are lively, cute, loyal and brave, big-hearted, take up hardly any space, and have no shortcomings at all… Besides, we are the only two with pedigree dogs around here… May I ask, how old is Pompom?”

             Hezi tugs at Pompom’s leash. “She’s just a puppy,” she says and stalks away.

             “Well, don’t let her turn into an old maid like that Lili!” Carl’s owner shouts after her.

             Hezi doesn’t turn around, but she says to herself, And so what if she does? We’ll never let her mate with an old mutt like Carl! A moment later, she can’t help laughing out loud. It has suddenly occurred to her how much younger she feels, and how much happier, since they got Pompom.

             When they get home, Huanhuan is washing his feet. He looks at her and pouts. “I think you love Pompom more than me, Mum!” Hezi takes off the dog’s leash and refills her bowl with fresh water. Pompom pounces on it and glugs it down.

             Hezi is all smiles as she watches her. “Don’t be silly. You’re my son, she’s just a dog. There’s no comparison. What a terrible thing to say!”

             “Still, since she came, you haven’t paid nearly as much attention to me,” Huanhuan mutters.

             “Then let’s get rid of her! Or turn her into a stew! Red-cooked with soy sauce!” Laughing, she goes to the kitchen to prepare some pork spareribs.

             Huanhuan’s mouth turns down even harder. “You won’t treat yourself to ribs, but you give them to the dog to eat. How’s that not favoritism?”

             “You two eat the ribs,” says Hezi. “Puppies and boys need extra calcium. It’d be a lot of trouble if you got soft bones.” They chat away until the ribs are ready. By the time Hezi has tidied away Huanhuan’s schoolbag and given Pompom a late night snack, it is midnight. Finally getting into bed, Hezi grabs  the Encyclopedia of Dogs and begins to read. She is determined to become an expert in pet care.     

             From then on, Hezi and Carl’s owner meet up from time to time. Outwardly aloof, they are secretly competitive when it comes to the dogs. For instance, Carl’s owner will sit on a stone pillar and take his shoe off and throw it. “Carl, fetch!” he commands. And the dog, with his ungainly run, fetches the shoe back.

             Hezi’s lips turn into a pout. “That’s nothing special. And besides, it’s rude to throw shoes in public. The sort of thing a country hick does.” She commands Pompom to fetch her leash and Pompom duly obeys. She is nimbler and prettier than Carl.

             Annoyed, Carl’s owner turns to go, but before he does so he gives Carl another command. “Say goodbye to Pompom!” And Carl stands on his hind legs and raises his forepaws in the air as if waving goodbye.

             Hezi is not going down without a fight. “Say bye-bye to Carl!” she commands Pompom, and Pompom stands on her hind legs, paws clasped to her chest in the traditional Chinese salutation.

             Carl’s owner cannot repress a smile. “Good girl,” he mutters before walking off.      

             In no time at all, it is autumn. National Day, October 1st, this year will mark the fifty-fifth anniversary of the founding of New China. Beijing empties as everyone goes back to their homes for the holidays. The city seems suddenly bigger and more spacious, quieter and brighter. A rainstorm scours the leaves and grass clean and restores them to their former green. Not far into the new term at Huanhuan and Hezi’s school, Hezi receives a prize for being a model teacher in their community. With her bonus, she plans to buy the dog license for Pompom. But when she eventually finds a spare moment and goes to the office, she is told they are shut until next May or June, and she should come back then.

             Pompom is no longer a puppy. She weighs ten pounds now and has a long white coat and black lustrous eyes. She is a very cute dog. She no longer sleeps on the balcony or even on the sofa. Only a bed is good enough for her, either Hezi’s or Huanhuan’s, and she makes sure to distribute her favors equally. If mother and son are sitting together, she squeezes in between them. She is a good guard dog, barking as soon as a stranger approaches along the walkway. But she never barks at Hezi or Huanhuan. Instead, if she wants to communicate something to them, she emits delicate little chattering noises. It is the kind of sound a dumb person who has had some success with acupuncture treatment might make, Hezi thinks. Slightly squeaky, a sort of Chinese coloratura soprano.

             “She can almost talk,” says Huanhuan. “Wouldn’t it be great if she spoke like a human one day? She’d get into the Guinness Book of Records!”

“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she spoke,” says Hezi. “She’s more human than dog.” They laugh. Pompom has come into season once — as Hezi finds out from the encyclopedia, bitches come into season twice a year and should only become pregnant after the third time, so Hezi makes sure to keep a close eye on her “daughter” for the time being.

             One evening, Pompom makes it clear she wants to go out. No sooner have they stepped out of the building and got to the corner than Hezi hears someone say in a low voice, “Take Pompom back inside, quick!” In astonishment, she turns and see Carl’s owner, staring at her with a blank expression on his face. “Something terrible’s happened. Carl’s been taken. Go back in!”

             Hezi scurries back home with Pompom in her arms. When Huanhuan learns what happened to Carl, he goes downstairs. He comes back shortly, puffing and panting. “They’re doing an inspection before National Day. Carl went out half an hour too early and the dog patrol snatched him!” Hezi clutches Pompom in fright. She feels desperately sorry for Carl’s owner. To think that Carl was snatched because he went out half an hour too early, even though he had a dog license! It would be disastrous if Pompom were taken. She discusses it with Huanhuan and they decide the best thing is to take Pompom to an aunt who lives in the countryside, just until National Day is over.

             That night, Hezi looks at her son, tucked snugly in bed with Pompom. She cannot sleep. She creeps downstairs. Outside, on the patch of grass she goes to so often, she sees the glimmer of a lit cigarette in the darkness. Karl’s owner is there smoking. This normally vigorous restaurateur does his best to give an impression of calmness but seems suddenly to have shrunk in stature, and Hezi feels a flicker of pity. She crosses to where he stands and asks if there is any news about Carl. “I’ve just come from the dog patrol office,” he says, dragging deeply on his cigarette. “It’s okay, I’ll get him back tomorrow morning. I just have to pay a fine. But I’d advise you to get Pompom out of the city for a while, keep her out of the way. Apparently, they’re checking dogs daily until National Day, going house to house, checking up on licenses. Any dogs without a license will be taken and sold to a vivisection laboratory … and even the dogs that don’t end up there are going to have a hard time.”

“Is Carl having a hard time?”

             He sighs. “I just went to take a look. All the dogs the patrol has seized have been taken to a warehouse. There were a thousand or more in there, all barking away. The lad in charge got so frantic, he turned the pressure hose on the whole lot of them. By the time I got there, there wasn’t a bark to be heard. It was pitch-dark and they were all huddled around a bowl of filthy water… How terrible for little Carl!” In spite of his best efforts, the man’s voice cracks and his eyes swim with tears.

             Hezi feels tears come to her eyes too. “Really! What harm has a little dog like him done to anyone?! But don’t torture yourself thinking about it. You go home and get a good rest. I’m so grateful for what you did today…”

             Carl’s owner waves her thanks away: “It’s just what neighbors do. You go back in, I’ll stay here for a bit. I won’t sleep even if I do go home. Besides, my wife and daughter are both crying their eyes out and I can’t bear it!”

             That weekend, Hezi gets a friend to take her and Pompom to Changping, on the outskirts of Beijing, where an aunt of hers lives. It is like sending a daughter off with a trousseau: Pompom goes with her favorite fried fish, doggie chocolate, beef jerky and frankfurters, and when they arrive, Hezi makes a point of offering her aunt’s dogs some of the chocolate, so that Pompom can start off on the right foot with them. To her surprise, the dogs won’t go near the chocolate. The bitch is in pup, but it only has some leftover noodles in its bowl and a bit more tomato than the other dogs. Her aunt smiles. “They’ve never had chocolate before, it’s wasted on them!” There are four dogs, a German shepherd, a Beauceron, and two shih tzus, Dumbdumb and Jewel, who is the one in pup. Hezi is relieved to note that they are not actively hostile to Pompom, though they are not overly friendly either. They just sniff, wag their tails and leave her alone — except for Dumbdumb, who chases around after Pompom with great enthusiasm, until the aunt shouts angrily at him, “Heartless wretch, your mate is carrying your pups and you’re already infatuated with another female!”

             There is general laughter at her jibe, and Hezi laughs along. “Dumbdumb’s not dumb at all!” She leaves the homestead in a cheerful mood, but things change on the way home. Huanhuan is sitting beside her friend in the passenger seat, his head bent. From the back seat, Hezi can see only his trouser leg, on which there seems to be a patch of dampness, a patch that gets bigger and bigger, until he cannot hold back the sobs any longer. Hezi feels her own eyes well with tears. She is quite desolate at the thought of that shaggy, warm little body with her soft-as-velvet coat. She would feel so much better if she could cuddle Pompom right now.

             It is with some trepidation that she calls them that evening, but her aunt’s loud tones reassure Hezi and Huanhuan. “She’s doing fine. She hasn’t eaten much, but lots of dogs are like that when they go to a strange place. Give it a bit of time. She won’t hold out more than four or five days, you’ll see!”

             The next day Hezi calls again. Her aunt is quieter this time. “She’s still not eating, but don’t you worry. Dumbdumb and Jewel were like this when they first came here! I know all about dogs.”

             “Please, Aunt,” Hezi says meekly. “Do what you can to tempt her to eat, try anything!” Her aunt tells her not to worry, but Hezi does not feel confident.

             On the third day, Hezi has to make a work trip to Xi’an. She tries repeatedly to call her aunt before she leaves but cannot get through. On tenterhooks, she leaves for Xi’an. Early the next morning she has a dream. Pompom, her long silvery coat blown by the wind, is tearing along like a tornado, running through clouds until she gets to Hezi’s feet and suddenly stops. She put her claws on Hezi’s leg and bursts out in human language: “Mum! I miss you!” Hezi starts awake in terror, and stares blankly out of the window at the dawn sky.

             Hezi is home after a week. It is Sunday, Huanhuan is not there, and the house is in a terrible mess. Mechanically, Hezi begins to tidy up, feeling increasingly flustered. At noon, the shrill sound of the telephone startles her so much that she trembles. It takes her a minute to pick up. It is her aunt, but Hezi can hear nothing except a droning noise, like a bellows. She remembers nothing after that, not even how she manages to get to her aunt’s house, though it seems to take an awfully long time, changing from one bus to another to another, and costs her a lot of money. The night is drawing in by the time she arrives. The whole family is there, and so is Huanhuan, his eyes frightfully swollen. Her aunt is in tears. “I’ve had dogs, so many dogs, but I’ve never know one so stubborn. Pompom just refused to eat, and if you forced it down her, she spat it out, and every night she barked and barked in the direction of your house. The first couple of days I thought she’d be okay, but the third day I got scared and tried calling you but no one picked up. I called your school and they said you’d gone on a trip and would be back in a few days. I honestly had no idea… But what a faithful dog she was! She wasn’t just an ordinary pet, she was really special… I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry! … But how about this? Jewel’s due to have her puppies in a couple of days, why don’t you pick one of them? I know it won’t be as good as Pompom, but it’ll be a pedigree shih tzu. It would be something, wouldn’t it?”

             Hezi has no idea whether she nodded or not. She holds Huanhuan’s hand and her aunt and her family take them to see Pompom’s grave. Her aunt tells them the site has very good fengshui, with mountains on one side and water on the other. Hezi and Huanhuan pick a bunch of wildflowers and place them on the tiny grave. Huanhuan keeps on crying until he has cried himself hoarse. Hezi does not shed a single tear, just stares blankly, making no attempt to comfort her son or to speak at all.  

             After October 1st is over, the aunt really does bring them a puppy. It is very pretty, with a long silvery coat like Pompom. In fact it looks Pompom when she first arrived, with the same ungainly gait. They call it Baobao. That evening, Hezi takes the puppy downstairs for a breath of fresh air. All the dogs who were corralled are back with their owners now, but she cannot see Carl. Finally, when it is getting dark, Carl’s owner emerges, looking wretched.

             “Where’s Carl?” asks Hezi.

             There is a long silence. “When he was taken away, he lost the use of his legs…”

             “Make them compensate you!”

             “Never mind that, it wouldn’t be enough! They fined me three thousand, plus the license is five thousand, so that was eight thousand before they handed Carl over.”

             “You mean Carl didn’t have a license?”

             “Oh, he did, but it was from Tongxian so it didn’t count. You’d better take good care of that pretty little thing you’ve got! Is it Pompom’s puppy?”

             Hezi forces herself to nod. “Yes, she is pretty, isn’t she?” she says.

             Carl’s owner cannot take his eyes off Baobao and Hezi thinks she sees tears. “If only Karl hadn’t been injured so badly… Ai! Laugh if you want, but when I went to fetch him home, I was broken-hearted…” And suddenly he bursts into loud sobs. A grown man, bawling like a child.

             Hezi cannot explain why she lied to Carl’s owner. The truth is that she hardly dares face the fact that Pompom has died. When the restaurateur wept, she could not cry, she did not want to blub along with him. But now, in the depths of the night, she cannot hold back the tears any longer. Pompom, that beautiful, lovable dog who did no harm to anyone, is dead because she was too faithful, too devoted to her owners. And it was a willed death; she was so steadfast, there was nothing casual about it. It was a pure life and a clean death, Hezi thinks. And Pompom was much stronger in her resolve than Hezi, who drifts through life, come what may. The flood gates open and a torrent of tears come.

             After a little while, she feels a warm fluffy thing crawl onto her face and lick the tears with its delicate little tongue. She reaches out and takes this small living creature in her arms. Such a vulnerable creature. It will meet so many hazards in its life, but she determines to protect it with all her might. It is only a dog but it deserves to be treated well. She hopes Baobao will have better luck than Pompom. And with that thought, she falls into a deep sleep.

             In her dream, she sees the red flare of twilight and a swath of white flowers, a small white dog leaping among them. At first glance it looks like Pompom. But no, she looks closer and it is Baobao. She flings herself towards it. Try as she might, though, it is always beyond her reach. Then the red flare and the white flowers turn into a screen in which Pompom, Baobao, Carl, Dumbdumb and Jewels, Lili and Qiuqiu all swirl in a dance, as if in a slow-motion film, and she smiles in her dream. At that instant, Baobao wakes up, opens his lustrous dark eyes and looks curiously at his mistress’s face. However does she manage to smile through her tears? That is something this little pup will never master, not in a lifetime of trying.






































Xu Xiaobin was born in 1953 into an intellectual family in Beijing and began publishing her writings in 1981. Xu Xiaobin is noted for writings of searing emotional honesty about gender and sexuality that push the boundaries of what is politically acceptable in today's China. Her novel Crystal Wedding (2015) was longlisted for the 2016 Financial Times Oppenheimer Emerging Voices Award and won a PEN Translates award.

Nickyy Harman lives in the UK. She is a full-time translator of Chinese, focusing on fiction, literary nonfiction, and occasionally poetry, by authors such as Chen Xiwo, Han Dong, Hong Ying, Dorothy Tse, Xinran, Xu Xiaobin, Yan Ge, Yan Geling and Zhang Ling. She gives regular talks and workshops on translation. Along with Eric Abrahamsen and others, she runs the READ PAPER REPUBLIC project, posting and promoting free-to-view short stories translated from Chinese. She organizes translation-focused events, mentors new translators and judges translation competitions. She was co-Chair of the Translators Association (Society of Authors, UK) from 2014-2017.




Art by Jay Alexander